Explore your Family Genealogy
Every family has a story, and this website is devoted to telling some of the untold stories of Ft. Smith Arkansas.
Many people are also interested in telling their own personal family story and are not sure how to get started. Others are interested in having some professional genealogy assistance.
To learn how to get started you are encouraged to visit the site to help you get started - BeginningGenealogist.com.
You might also find some of the instructional videos on genealogy research useful, outlining some of the basic steps in getting started.
Also check out the weekly podcasts on the AfricanRootsPodcast. They are updated every Friday, full of genealogy events, annoucements, and advice on how to enhance your genealogical research.
If you wish to have some personal assistance in exploring your family history from Arkansas, Oklahoma, the Indian Records of Oklahoma Tribes and more, feel free to contact me at: AngelaW859@aol.com.
For more information on how to explore the Freedmen of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, visit the African-NativeAmerican Website.
These discussion boards will also get you started:
Let me hear from you and let me know if I can assist you. Remember every family has a story, and you want to start documenting your family,to tell your story as well.