The Johnson Burials
As well known as the Rowell Mortuary is, many are surprised to learn about the Johnson Funeral home business that was operated by Andy and J. B. Johnson in the early part of the 20th century. This black owned business had most of its business during the years that spanned from 1913 - 1925. These burials were taken from the Death Permits books at the Ft. Smith Library in the Genealogy section. It is quite possible that there may have been more burials done by this business, however, these are the ones that are listed in the books of Burial Permits for the city. It is not known where the personal papers of the Johnson Funeral business are kept.
The business itself had two addresses both on No. 9th street. One address was 605 No. 9th Street under the direction of J. B. Johnson, and the other two working addresses in the same block were 617 No. 9th, and 619 No. 9th, until approximately 1925, by this time under the directorship of Andy Johnson.
Data is listed in the following order:
Name of Deceased/Age/Date of Death/Burial place
Akins, Vada 11/7/13 Oak Cemetery
J. W. B. Anderson Nowland
Albert Atchison 7/8/25 County Cem
Nancy Belcher 62 5/5/13 Oak Cemetery
Missie Bell 31/ 7/31/13 Oak Cemetery
William Bentlyey 9/15/13 Oak Cemetery
Bertha Bozman 14, 6/22/13 Oak Cemetery
Thomas Bozeman 45, 12/21/13 Oak Cemetery
Willie Braden 22, 12/7/13 Oak Cemetery
Elizabeth Brown 51, 3/8/24 Nowland Springs
Leo Brown 1 Day 12/10/21 Moffit,Oklahoma
Henry Logan Burzell 3 7/27/13
Ola Burzell 3, 9/12/13
Baby Caldwell 10/24/18 County Hospital
Mary Caldwell 13, 3/22/17
Robert Carden 1923
Jno. Clark (stillborn) 4/8/15
Ellen Cheaves 68 2/6/13 Oak Cemetery
Veslia Cohen 16 4/43/13 Oak Cemetery
Baby Cohen 5/22/13 Oak Cemetery
Jessie Colewell 33 3/16/17 Oak Cemetery
Will Conley 30 10/19/12 Oak Cemetery
Louis Cosey 3 7/1/13 Oak Cemetery
Carrie Cramer 27 3/19/17 Oak Cemetery
John Crawford 48 1/16/28 County Cem
Susie Ora Crawford 28 10/3/13
George Cunningham 30 4/8//13 Oak Cemetery
Reise Scott Davis 19 11/27/23 Nowland Springs Cem
Scott Davis 29 11/9/12 City Cem
Ella Dumas 43 7/9/13 Oak Cemetery
Fred Dumas 24 11/26/17
Irene Dumas 8/13/29 Oak Cemetery
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